I never peel on the first date…

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Why I Don’t  Peel on the First Date: How the 3 Treatments Levels Work at Skyler Paige Skincare

When new clients come to see me for the first time, you might be surprised to hear me tell you no. This is because I don’t perform treatments that I think are unnecessary or potentially harmful for YOUR specific skin conditions, even if you request them.

In addition, I categorize my treatments into three levels to help everyone understand what is involved, and what would be best for their skin. These categories are based on things like your unique features, history, skin goals, and even what season it is. This ensures that everyone gets the customized treatment that is right for them. Here’s a description of each one. 

The Three Treatment Levels I Provide for my Roscoe Village Clients 

Level 1 treatments are those that anyone can come in for in any season. These are effective facials that will renew and replenish, giving you results with no downtime. They are a great choice for skin with mild problems, or in between higher level treatments. 

Level 2 treatments are just that-taking your treatments to the next level. These are for

people who need more exfoliation and have more advanced skin conditions that may need

an extra boost. These treatments often address specific problems like active acne, redness and rosacea, dark spots and pigmentation where more correction is needed. 

Level 3 treatments are our most advanced. These are clinical level treatments, such as the chemical peels that I won’t do “on the first date.” In order to receive advanced treatment like chemical peels or Green Power/Microneedling Alternative treatment, you must be on a custom homecare routine for at least 2 weeks prior to your treatment. This allows your skin to become conditioned and safely ready to reap the best possible results.  

Chemical peels are considered to be an advanced treatment, and just like you wouldn’t  sign up for a marathon before you’ve completed a 5k, you don’t want to jump right into getting chemical peels without first conditioning your skin. Chemical peels are safe procedures that can leave you with incredible results- improving skin texture, acne scarring, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I know you’re excited about getting one, but your skin has to be ready to peel and able to heal afterward. 

Without using the right homecare products, I can’t ensure that you will get the results you want from your investment in a treatment like a chemical peel. You must be ready to use the right products in addition to your chemical peel to help prevent discoloration, plus hydrating and healing your skin. 

Skin Problems? Contact me Today for a Consultation 

The best way to achieve the very best results is by partnering with a licensed, professional expert in Lakeview/Roscoe Village who can create a long-term plan to get you where you want to be. Typically, I recommend that new clients come for a New Client Custom Facial, a service I offer at a discounted rate. The new client facial treatment is a great option for those who have never seen an esthetician before and aren’t sure what treatment(s) would be best to address your skin concerns. If you are ready to get help, contact me today. 


Pride Month 2021